Monday, February 6, 2012

Big ugly fish and other crazy things for my nephews

Hi boys! I hope you are going to like these photos.  Look at the type of fish they catch off the beach where I am right now.  I am in southern Italy a region called Calabria.  A region is kind of like a state is in the United States.  Italy, the country where I am has several regions.  This one is south and warmer and is known for having short people and spicy hot food!  every where else in Italy they don't eat a lot of spicy food.  Here they have Blue Fin Tuna.  Only 3 areas around here do.  Today we cooked with Blue Fin tuna.

A Blue Fin Tuna.  Some grow to be bigger than you guys.  That is the teacher , the head Chef.  He is showing us how to clean it.

These fish are really bloody

 Thats them cooking

They are finished cooking

These are at the market where I shop, some still even have hooks in their mouths.

look at this ugly guy!

 This is a bowl of scorpion fish mostly little ones.  They have poison in them so they are tricky to eat a professional has to clean them and handle them.

lots and lots of fish

This is the inside of a sea urchin.  I ate this with bread.  It was really good.  It tastes like salty water and a little sweet.  You can get it in a sushi restaurant, you may have already tried it.  It is orange at home.

This is what the outside of it looks like.  Lots of spikey things.  When you see these guys under water they are on the bottom and the spikey things move around almost like waving.  On the very bottom there is a valve that lets in fresh water, they move pretty slowly.  Pretty cool aren't they.

I miss you both! 

Love you, Aunt Pam

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