Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Path of Love

I have just returned from the Path of Love an amazing retreat / workshop that is held all over the world.  We just had it in Loveland Colorado.  I have participated and staffed and it is truly the best and most effective experience I have had in the world of seeking and connection.  if you ever think you would like more in your life and feel there are stuck places or places that scare you, take this journey.  There is an Awakening to love process it is 3 days rather than 7 and it is being held in Santa Barbara in Feb.  I feel so good.  A bit tired and crazed with my impending travel to Italy.  Many logistics.  But I am grateful to have spent time with a community , a family of fellow big hearted willing to risk and be vulnerable with me and others people.  I'm touched at the great courage of the participants and the staff to be real.  I just love it.  Loveland was beautiful.  Sunrise Ranch, an intentional community was a lovely setting and the people there were wonderful and very supportive.  The folks who set this up each year do a fantastic job and Im honored they allow me to staff.  I could say so much more but I have suitcases to fill!!! a few photos from the ranch and loveland.  arrivaderci touti