This is a candy store window is so beautiful it deserves a large photo.
This one too wow
Next, after a grand time wandering the streets of Venice on Valentine's day eve we enjoyed two apperativo places. Aperativo- A type of happy hour pay a price for a drink and eat from a buffet of various items such as pasta, crostini ( toasted bread with toppings), cheeses vegetables. Our first stop was a place we visited the night before. Standing room only and by the piece priced crostini. Topped with Baccala Montecato ( salt cured / dried cod reconstituted in milk and whipped up with cream / olive oil and parsley- like a chunky very rich mousse: cheese and onion or peperoncino marmalata, various prosciutto, sardines and anchovies. We sang along with gondoliers to Italian classics and laughed. So fun we went two nights in a row.
The headed to another restaurant on a hidden canal and dock near the grad canal. The fist live music played here was a piper and drum trio. We had bumped onto this trio 3 other times that day. It was fun and lively and a reason to enjoy a second Aperativo.

The band

The dark grand canal
Then we were off to have dinner. Yes another meal..

Fennel soup

Baccala Montecato- my new favorite dish

Masks on the table for Carnival

After the meal