There are many photos here I couldn't pick just a few so Ill keep the writing mostly here and captions by some photos. Many years a go my brother and I spent a summer doing the post college summer trek. I recall Venice and almost skipped it for sights previously unseen. Let's just say I am so glad I went back. I must say I am thoroughly enchanted by Venice. It was cold, I mean COLD. I wore my long johns and wool pants and it was still COLD. I went with a few classmates from culinary school. We rented a great apartment well located to everything we wanted to see. Six adults sharing one bath, we did pretty darn good. These photos are in no particular order and are taken on my phone as I still have not fixed my "good" camera. I think the little Blackberry is doing pretty well considering.
Canals and more canals. This place is a maze of canals. ( I am speaking as if no one has been here just to help my descriptive process flow, I do not mean to insult anyone who has) Per usual my traveling companion of three months and I wandered out without a plan or map and as usual discovered beauty and excitement around each turn. We feel we should write a guide how to get lost in Italy and see everything anyway.

With Carnival about a week away things were gearing up with walking theater, costumes, balls and concerts. The city was buzzing with festivities.
A walk to and through the "Jewish Ghetto" Just amazing and fascinating.