Tuesday, October 18, 2011

And so it begins

So the first post... As I sit with friends and Blog tutor to get this ball rolling, we sip tea and crochet while snacking, yes snacking... and becoming technologically savy or at least connected.  Cant wait to begin the journey.  Actually it has begun.


  1. Yes my dear friend - it has begun! And I'm so excited for you and can't wait to read your blog pages as the journey continues...and all will be well! Sat Nam! Wahe Guru! Love you - Guru Jiwan Kaur (Jo)

  2. May you have a most excellent time, dude.

    I is for the way I love to eat.
    T is for the taste of something sweet
    A is awesome (looking men)
    L is luxurious market experiences
    Y is for the yumminess I expect upon return.

  3. In the words of my teenagers, "This is going to be EPIC!"

    I can't wait to hear about all the great food, the people you meet and the places you go.

  4. i may have to try this thing called blogging.
    you've inspired.

    have to laugh i'm even having a prob. posting. techy i am not

  5. great idea. the boys and I will follow along. let us know the name of towns and cities, rivers and mountain ranges, so we can find you on a map. be safe and have fun!

    From the Dobbie clan
