For some reason there is a german family camped in the hall outside of my hotel room with all of their belongings and two young children spread all over the hallway crumpling piles of plastic bags for the past hour. I had the opportunity to change rooms today as the original room I booked wasn't ready yesterday. I decided to stay in this room because it was quite... go figure. I have had a strange Karma with rooms for the past few years. (up until now...) if there was a banging door Ill be next to or above it, a fighting couple , jumping children on my ceiling, a party or elevator dinging... Don't know why, wish it would stop. Maybe when I get to the point I can laugh every time it happens it will stop. Today I am laughing and wondering... but as I had hoped for a nap, not going to happen... they are literally leaning on the wall of my room.. Im in a nice hotel too. I'm making an assumption they are either awaiting entry to their room, lost their keys, are too hot to go out or are catching a late flight. they did not want my help so...
But for today all I know is that I have A/C a terrifically comfortable bed and equally comfortable pillows for the first time in 3 months, I am no longer freezing my tucas off without hot water in a dumpy hotel in Calabria. It is a good day. :) My wish is for everyone to have a good day too.
this is what my nice room looks like.. its a good day
But for today all I know is that I have A/C a terrifically comfortable bed and equally comfortable pillows for the first time in 3 months, I am no longer freezing my tucas off without hot water in a dumpy hotel in Calabria. It is a good day. :) My wish is for everyone to have a good day too.
this is what my nice room looks like.. its a good day