Showing posts with label Travel-journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel-journal. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ostia Antica-

My camera died upon arrival at this ancient city by the sea.  So my cell had to do with its limitations.  This is an ancient city that was abandoned and restored on several occasions much activity around 120AD. I have not yet figured out how to turn photos so some may look odd.  Terms, like bath houses were all over here some very grand and other simple.  I have included a few photos of an ancient restroom/toilet room. Here are a few of this place, it took us 5 hours to walk around and we did not cover it all!

An old "bar"

Marble counter from 120 AD

Latrine/ Toilet

looks like old drywall with insulation , ventilation or a consendation preventer

layers of the wall

The trees were beautifully manicured.

This city was excavated and an enormous tonnage of debris was taken off to uncover these ruins.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Photo of the sea

This unfortunate photo is the town in which I will be living.  Im so sorry it couldn't be more fantastic. Im contemplating sleeping right in this boat!  I plan to send a photo that I have taken of this very beach.  I'm beginning to get so excited.  I am almost finished with my final plans.  This has been quite a feat.  Selling my farm, placing all of the animals with loving friends for the time I will be away, which is uncertain.  It has been quite a feat getting the paperwork together not to mention the move and couch hopping until I get to school.  Getting ready for the Path Of love , the most fantastic workshop ever, and I have done almost every type you can imagine.  This year I will staff.  I participated last year and did some great healing work this year I plan to give some of that love I received and found back to the participants.  I am so excited that this journey begins with the love part. I am doing this in a different order than EAt Pray Love.  I attended a woman's kundalini yoga retreat in Arizona last week and it was a lot about pray.  The retreat was called Woman Heart.  A lovely experience and I forgot to take photos... So there I began the Pray part of the journey, with Path of Love I start the Love part then to Italy for the Eat part.  I have completed a prayer shawl that will double as a fashion piece for my Italian adventure.  I have been part of a crochet/ knit  group for a year and I just adore the women and our meetings.
I finished this in time for the full moon healing ceremony at Woman Heart.  During this ceremony we sat in a circle and meditated for 31 minutes to heal women in the circle, anyone we wrote onto out prayer lists and anyone else that came to mind.  We held the planet in our prayers.  what a lovely experience.  My wonderful yoga teacher in Corrales holds these ceremonies frequently and I just love them. She was the inspiration to begin learning to crochet.  She has been my teacher of crochet as well as my first teacher and exposure and encouragement with Kundalini yoga.  She is also the foster mom for my baby Bubba (my beagle). I love her.